Communicators as Leaders: Taking The Initiative, Making The Leap
9 June | 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM PT
Session Type: Panel Discussion
Global Standard Focus: Leadership
There have literally been hundreds of books written about "leadership communication." But very little has been written, or even said, about the role of communication professionals as leaders in our organizations and communities. This session is an opportunity for us to flip the script - to change the conversation about the leadership we can provide, and also about how we can move up the organizational ladder into senior leadership positions. Featuring leaders who have taken the step to move from communication roles to leadership positions in organizations and communities, this discussion will: * Share insights from each of our career trajectories * Delve into specific techniques for engaging C-suite leaders about the importance of communication and its role as a strategy lever * Provide actionable opportunities for communication leaders at all levels to take initiative to raise their leadership game as influencers and advocates * Invite participants to commit to expand their mindset so that they can see themselves as leaders in their current roles A common thread will be the power we as communication leaders have to drive connection within our organizations and communities, and how to position ourselves as being central to the web of connections and conversations we catalyze.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize leadership element of your current role and shift your mindset accordingly.
- Get tangible insights about actions you can take to be seen as leaders and as "leadership material".
- Discover how to drive connections within organizations and communities.