Connecting the Dots: Understand How Humans Think to Make an Impact in Your Communication.
10 June | 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM PT
Speakers: |
Melanie Loy, Hey Mel! Communications & Training
Session Type: Traditional Breakout
Global Standard Focus: External Communications
If you want to really connect with your audiences, and connect them to big ideas, then you need to understand how our brains work, how we think, and why we do the things we do ... even if they seem irrational!
That might seem like a lot, but in reality, just a few simple tweaks of the language we use and how we share our messages can make all the difference.
In this session, you'll learn about the core behavioural science techniques you can apply to your communication to really connect with your audiences, so you can change hearts and minds.
Come away with practical tips you can start using right away to make your communication more effective than ever before.
You'll even get to participate in a live experiment!
This session is for senior communicators if you are ready to level up your communications, and demonstrate the value you add to your organisation's strategic goals.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain how human brains work, and how that impacts our communication.
- Use a selection of behavioral science techniques to connect to audiences more effectively.
- Influence more effectively through communication with a few simple behavioral science insights.